Coco’s New Friend


Gail Manishor, author of

From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life

Do you remember this? “Friendship, Friendship, Such a perfect blendship… ”

This is Coco and Edward who lives next door. Getting to know each other. I think Edward is saying, “Who is this cute new chick that lives next door.  Is she friend or foe?



How cute is that!  Double click to see a bigger and better picture.


Transform Your Life

      Gail Manishor, author of
From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life

“You were born knowing that you are the creator of

your own reality … ultimately the creation of your life

experience is absolutely and only up to you.”

– Esther and Jerry Hicks

Ask and It Is Given

In his textbook The Science of Mind Ernest Holmes wrote “Do not dwell upon adversity but think plenty into everything, for there is power in the word. Meditate on the things you are doing as being already done–complete and perfect.”

Stop going over and over in your mind how bad things are or have been. It is only in moving to a higher place of thought that you can move on in your life. It is only in letting go of the past that you can move forward. It is only in surrendering to God that your life can change. It is only through prayer and meditation that you can transform your life.

Forgiveness is extremely important if you want to move on to a place of serenity. Look back over your life and go through a process of forgiving for each person who harmed you. Forgive and love yourself.

Meditation, prayer and visualization are the major tools to take you to a higher place in consciousness. You have to do it yourself. No one can do it for you. But to live the life you are meant to live–do it you must.

Quiet your mind in meditation and ask for guidance and inspiration. Seek an awareness of the Divine Essence within yourself. Seek only to know God.

Pray knowing you are always heard and your prayers are already answered.

Visualize yourself in the life you want to live doing the things you want to do and being the person you want to be.

I trust that my own story and the people whose stories I have written about will inspire you and move you to make needed changes in your life. I want you to be and have all that you can be. I want you to live a joyous life. I want you to experience breaking free of whatever constraints that have held you back. My wish for you is that you can come to a place of forgiveness of yourself and others. In this way you will come to a deepening awareness and understanding of the Divine Intelligence within and experience new-found freedom.

You too can turn you life around. You can be healthy, happy and peaceful. You can live a productive and creative life. It is up to you. How much effort are you willing to make to live the life of Spirit? How much work are you willing to do to create the life you want to live?