A big part of my philosophy of life is being non-judgmental. It’s not always easy. But it can change our lives for the better when we live and let live.

Yet, when someone isn’t doing something the way we believe it should be done, we often want to fix it. Sometimes with the best of intentions we try to set them straight. We criticize and someone else adds their thought on the subject, and pretty soon it becomes a huge issue. That’s how to become a destroyer rather than a builder.

Let’s always remember that the other person is as much of God’s Light as we are. Love and praise can go a long way toward making a situation better. Let’s look for the good and the joy in every person and every situation. Think about it.

Affirmation: Today I see “The Christ” in each person I meet. Today I greet everyone with love.

It's Spring!

It’s Spring!



There is no greater power in the universe than the power of God’s love. Through love and grace, I overcome challenges in every area of my life. My heart is filled with thanksgiving because I know that God’s will for me is good and only good. I claim my good now. Even before I ask, God has already given. The more I realize that God has already given everything, the more I live in that place of grace and peace.

Today my life is transformed by the power of God’s grace.

Gail Manishor,
FROM HERE TO SERENITY, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life
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