Where’s the Pony?

The Choice is Yours


Spring Always Follows Winter


Recently a number of things happened in my life that I felt were out of congruence with my spiritual way of living. My husband had an emergency appendectomy, and the bills were beginning to pile up. Many things were out of kilter and I couldn’t figure out why.   

Then I remembered the story about a little boy who was expecting to receive his birthday present. He was led to a barn, but when he opened the door there was nothing but manure on the floor. The little boy yelled with excitement. He dashed into the barn and began digging through the manure. When he was asked what he was so happy about, he answered “With all this manure there has to be a pony in here someplace!” He knew there was good in store for him.  

Friends and family supported us with their prayers. My husband recovered more quickly than expected; our finances are coming into alignment with our consciousness of abundance, and we see our life together as a blessing.  

Even when things seem to go wrong in life there is a meaning and a purpose behind the circumstances. Ask yourself, “Where’s the pony in this situation?” How do you choose to look at life? Spring always follows winter. Expect a blessing and it will come.  

Today I look for the blessing in my experience. I know that God means everything for good.  

Gail Manishor, Author of
From Here to Serenity, A  Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life
Buy Gail’s Book:  http://www.gmanishor.com


Be a Blessing

“Gratitude is a major choice and a necessity in changing your life. When you recognize even the smallest gifts of life you will see how blessed you really are. “When God is for you, who can be against you?” God is always for you. God is always loving you. You are here to be a blessing to the world.”
From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life
Gail Manishor, RScP      



Photo by DeLynn Hood      

At our Seaside Center for Spiritual Living we often sing “I Am a Blessing to the World.” I believe each of us can be just that. I see this in the life of my daughter and the way she has lived her life. She has taken on a job that is demanding and challenging. I can’t imagine how she handles it all and yet is still a fabulous wife, mother, and friend. She loves it all and says she feels she’s “making a difference,” and she is. In her own way she is changing the world. It has been said that when one butterfly’s wings move it is felt half way across the world. I see my daughter’s loving and giving nature as a true blessing to the world.      

As we consciously bring ourselves back, day after day, to the actual awareness of God as one infinite being, God manifesting and expressing Itself as individual being, we understand more fully that all power flows out from us and through us, as a benediction and blessing to the world.      

Most of us want our lives to mean something. We also want to make a difference in our world. Be it big or small we all have a gift we can share. In God’s eyes there is no big or small. Each of us is unique and precious in our own unique way.      

In Julia Cameron’s book Blessing, she writes “I am both the listener and the song. I am both the composer and the note.” Each of us makes our special contribution to life. Everyone has an affect on our world by our thoughts words and deeds. It can be for the better or the worse. It’s our choice. We can be a blessing to our world.      

Today in all I do and in all I say, I am a blessing to the world.      

Gail Manishor, RScP
You can buy Gail’s book at her website: http://gmanishor.com      

Check out Seaside Center at: seasidecenter.com      



Practice, Practice, Practice


“To live a joyful life takes work. It takes practice to watch our thoughts, but we can do it if we really want to. It becomes easier with time until it’s a habit to look for and see the highest and the best in every person and in every condition.”
Gail Manishor, Author of
From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life

St. Francis


Photo by DeLynn Hood   

Everything seemed to happen in a year: my mother’s illness, rapid decline and transition, relationship misunderstandings with family and severe back pain finally resulting in major surgery leading to more pain and then depression. How do we climb back out of the depths? How do we find the peace we once had or possibly never had?   

I began by rereading Practicing the Presence by Joel Goldsmith. This book which had once carried me through one of the most difficult and challenging times of my life now was to come to my rescue once again.    

“At first, this is all in the realm of the mind, but by constant practice, it leaves the realm of the mind and comes down into the heart, into the awareness, into consciousness, and then it takes over and lives our experience.” Joel S. Goldsmith, Practicing the Presence   

I did all the things I knew to do. I went back to writing in my Gratitude Journal, spent wonderful nurturing time in my garden. I admired God’s gift in each plant and even talked to the tiny humming birds. At last the curtain lifted and Spirit’s gifts were once again visible to me. Spirit had never left me. The gifts were always there. I knew all of this and I knew how to get back to that place of awareness of the Divine within me waiting to be recognized.   

Ernest Holmes wrote, “To practice the Presence of God is to awaken within us the Christ Consciousness.”    

The answer is always within. The answer is always in the practice of our spiritual path through meditation, prayer and spiritual reading and being grateful for what we have.   

Today I meditate, pray and practice the presence of the Divine Spirit within me.   

Gail Manishor, RScP


 I Am That

“The basic lesson I’ve discovered in my personal search for help and one that gets me through difficult circumstances is that God is not a God out there somewhere, remote in His heaven. God is Spirit, and God is right here. God is “closer than our very breath and nearer than hands and feet,” and wherever we are, God is there with us. ”
Gail Manishor, Author of
From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life

Quan Yin
in Gail’s Serenity Garden 

Many of us have searched for more meaning in our lives. This inevitably leads to a search for God. In our search we find something that brings us to a deeper realization and awareness of the Divine within each of us. Meditation is the key that opens the door to our awareness of the Presence that is within. In his book Practicing the Presence Goldsmith recommends meditating four times a day. Right away that thought can knock us out of the ballpark. We can’t possibly meditate four times a day. Some of us are challenged to meditate once a day. However, twice a day might work. There are many different ways to meditate. There is a Buddhist meditation which calls for putting a smile into each part of your body, a smile even into your liver. How healing that can be.

In Elizabeth Gilbert’s wonderful book Eat, Pray Love I found a mantra she used and tried it myself. It was simply “Ham-sa,” which means “I am that.” For as it is often said “God is closer than hands and feet, nearer than our very breath. “I am that” goes to the heart of it. God simply is. In the realization that if God is, and we are created by God, we come to the realization of “I am that.”

I am one with the God that simply is. I am that.


 Heartfelt Creativity & Generosity


“The world is filled with the abundance of the Creator. Abundance fills our lives in many areas, just look around and see how generous, loving and giving God is. God is expressing through us right now. That expression can come out as creativity in our chosen field and in many other ways.” 
Gail Manishor, Author of
From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life
Buy Gail’s Book at  gmanishor.com/index.php?page_id=264



Mandala of Sacred Hearts
Artist Sue O’Kieffe

I think that creativity and generosity go hand in hand. When someone has a creative gift they just naturally want to share it with the world. We all have gifts that we can share with others. We just have to develop our talents. “Give and it will return to you multiplied and over-flowing.” In this case I’m referring to your creative gift.

In my book I wrote that I woke up and went into my office to write at 3 or 4 a.m. every morning. This hasn’t happened for some time. However, This morning I woke up at 3 with 2 ideas for future Blogs and perhaps I can use them in my EzineArticles.com also.  Although in Ezine I can’t put someone’s URL. It’s against their rules.

My first thought this morning was the beautiful mandalas I found on a Blog yesterday. These mandalas are the creation of Sue O’Kieffe.  Sue has generously given me permission to display her mandallas here so that you could enjoy them too.  Sue has created so many absolutely gorgous mandalas I had trouble choosing which one to use.  I know you will love them as much as I do.  Sue uses the inspiration of nature to create her mandalas. I am sharing her link with all of you because if I couldn’t stop thinking about these mandalas, I know you will also enjoy them as much as I have.  Sue has also written inspirational messages to go with her creations and I couldn’t help but feel she and I would hit it off if we ever met.  We both love the outdoors and appreciate the beauty of nature and have like-minds. Now we’re friends on Facebook and we really do have a lot in common. Here is Sue O’Kieffe’s link:

Another person I want to share with you is Dan Goodwin. His Blog is http://CoachCreative.com . He offers a free book download on his Blog, Explode Your Creativity! A generous person, he e-mailed me after my comments with some very kind suggestions. 

We are all creative beings whether it be art, writing or gardening.  It is our life purpose to share our talents with the world as these two talented people are doing.

Gail Manishor. You can also visit my website at:   http://www.gmanishor.com


Inner Peace


MaMa Hummingbird on Nest


Photo by DeLynn Hood            

Most parents try to be and give to their family everything that they themselves did not experience from their own parents. They struggle to give their family what they did not have. We all have tried to do that with our own children. You can succeed in some areas, but it’s impossible to succeed in all.            

We all keep trying to improve ourselves and our lives as we learn and grow. Think how wonderful it is to be able to be at peace so completely and to have let go of any feelings of discomfort that are left over from a previous marriage or relationship.            

This is an important lesson I would like to share with you. While I never had hate for anyone through my divorce, I was not quite completely comfortable either. I have worked for peace and joy throughout the years. It wasn’t easy, but finally at long last I have attained that peace I have wished for and worked for all of my life. I am now fully relaxed and can be my authentic self wherever I am. I don’t have to try anymore. I just am. I am so grateful for that blessing. Life doesn’t stop when you reach a certain age. Age has nothing to do with it. Age is really not important because we are eternal beings. I can now say that I feel comfortable and at ease in my own skin, as they say. This is one of the greatest triumphs of my life.            

“That’s great for you”, you might say. “But how can I attain that peace and that attitude?” I’ve come to realize more deeply than ever that we are all One in God. We are all expressions of the Creator. There are no barriers between us. Through study, meditation and prayer you can find that peace and serenity you long for. As I wrote in my first book, it takes perseverance and it depends upon how much you want it. Are you willing to make the effort and do the work required?            

What you must do takes persistence and dedication.            

First – Read whatever spiritual and motivational books that call to you.            

Take classes and workshops designed to make you the person you want to be.            

Study, learn and live the life. Walk the talk – meaning live your life in integrity. Do the right thing whether it is small or large. There is no big or little in the One Mind. This is a 24 hour 7 days a week job.            

Did I say it was easy?            

You may have heard all of this before, but it doesn’t make it any less true. That’s okay. Maybe the way I say it will resonate with you.            

Meditation is sitting in quiet contemplation and listening for the still small voice within.            

Prayer is praying rightly. It is in believing that your prayer is already answered before you even ask. It is not by begging, pleading or bargaining with God that you can attain the peace you want. It is by asking, knowing it is already given that you become the master of your life.            

If you are willing to do the work, you will reap the rewards.         

Gail Manishor, Buy Gail’s Book: gmanishor.com/index.php?page_id=264


War & Peace (Continued)


“Know that what you resist persists. What you focus on is attracted to you. Focus on the good outcome of the problem and not how bad it could be. Begin to set boundaries and to stand firm. When you realize who and what you really are, it makes you a formidable person. You will be respected because you respect yourself.”
Gail Manishor, author of
From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transformation   


Gail’s Desert Garden


They’re back ….  It was the middle of the day and I was innocently watering the desert area. Out jumped a rabbit and off he went.  Obviously, I hadn’t been vigilant enough about using the rabbit repellant.    

My Garden Angel came up with the idea for a trap and release plan. If my husband Bill would buy a trap, she will take the rabbit to a wilderness area and release him or her. I have no idea how many rabbits there are here, but there must be a lot. And of course you know how rabbits are. They multiply like … rabbits.    

So Bill has researched rabbit traps on the web and found one and ordered it. He read that they like sliced apples. I refuse to buy them my favorites which are “Pink Ladys.” They aren’t invited to my picnic!  I’m beginning to sound a little manic don’t you think?   

I once worked at a large firm where one of the Project Managers raved on and on about how the rabbits were ruining his lawn and he was going to shoot them. I tried to persuade him not to, but he was adamant. I’m beginning to understand how he felt. But as I wrote in my book, “What you resist persists.” I bet he still has rabbits.   



Gail Manishor   


Check out my website: www.gmanishor.com/   









Change, Growth & Renewal


“Change is inevitable. It is a part of life. Rev. Doris Avery once told me that “When we step out in faith, the Universe will support us.” Change is always a little scary, but if we let it be, change can be the best thing that ever happens to us.”
Gail Manishor, From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life     


A Spurt of Growth


Weeping Laurel Tree


One thing about life is that change is a constant companion. Just when we get comfortable in any situation something happens to change it all. Some changes are small while others are extreme and seem to uproot your whole life.  Since change is inevitable we find it necessary to get used to it. That’s impossible, isn’t it? Some changes are a shock and not easy at all.     

How we deal with change is so important.     

When my husband Bill and I got married and I sold me home and moved into Bill’s home. He is in a nice very quiet neighborhood where the neighbors kept their homes and yards in very nice shape. Then the people across the street moved out-of-state. New people moved in. Fortunately for us they are lovely people. We became friends with the couple down the street. She and I walked together every morning. He helped us when we needed repairs. We had dinner together. Then they moved to the east coast. It felt like they left a hole in the neighborhood. Other people came and went. The man next door sold his home and moved. New neighbors moved in who didn’t take care of the yard and then had the house repossessed. What will happen next is up to the fates unless you know that prayer works.     

Along with change can come growth and renewal. How we handle change is up to us. We can make the best of it or we can bemoan our fate. I choose to make the best of it. What are you going to choose?     

Gail Manishor, RScP
Please visit my website at: