Everyone goes through periods of loneliness. There is someone who loves you. Yes, you are loved more deeply than you know. You are God’s unique creation, God’s child. God is always expressing through you and God can express only good. You are never alone. Wherever you are, God is. Every step you take is on holy ground. God walks with you every step of the way. Look around you and see God expressing everywhere you look. You can’t be lonely when the Infinite One is with you. Your relationship with God is the most profoundly important one you will ever have.

Go to God in prayer and meditation, and then take the steps that you are guided to take. Become involved with the life around you. Serve those who are in need. Exercise will increase the endorphins that work to lift your spirits. Learn something new and interesting by taking classes and in the process making new friends. The right friend is already there for you.

I am a beloved Child of God. I am needed and important and I am never alone, for God is with me at all times.
Joy 1

A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life



         when it is in your heart

“When you love you should not say, “God is in my heart,” but rather, “I am in the heart of God.” And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it find you worthy, directs your course.”  The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran.

To me this means that sometimes people come into our lives that we may immediately say to ourselves, “This is NOT the one for me.” But love can come into your heart and you may realize that “This is truly the ONE FOR ME.” Love is not always predictable. But love for others friends and sweethearts is beautiful and can be a gift to us.


Sarah Vaugh Rose

Sarah Vaugh Rose

Gail Manishor, Author of From Here to Serenity,
A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life    www.gmanishor.com



“Love gives naught but itself and takes naught but from itself.
Love possesses not nor would it be possessed”
For love is sufficient unto love.” The Profit, Kahlil Gibran

As we come closer and closer to Valentines Day I can’t help but think of love – Love between husband and wife, love for our children and our friends, love for this Earth and all of those upon it.

God is Love and I know that we all the ability and capacity to give  love generously seeking nothing in return. It is because we have so much love within us that  we can give it in such abundance.

Love, Peace and Blessings to you all.

Gail's Choice

Gail’s Choice

Gail Manishor, Author of From Here to Serenity, A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life




Gail Manishor, Author of From Here to Serenity,
A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life    www.gmanishor.com

“Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not
in each other’s shadow.”  Kahlil Gibran

Gibran’s words have much to teach us if we would but listen. What I hear from his words are that we owe our hearts to the One, which I call God. We love those people that we hold dear be it our mate, our children, our parents and friends. But first in our hearts must be the One from which we all come.

People come and go in our lives. But there is one that never leaves and that is the Divine Spirit that is the Creator and the Source.



“When love beckons you yield to him,
though his ways may be hard steep.” Kahlil Gibran

Sarah Vaugh Rose

Sarah Vaugh Rose

So many of us hold back from complete love. We lose so much by holding our love back. We protect ourselves from hurt sometimes at great loss. I’m not telling you to give your physical love at what could be a danger to you. If you have put up a wall around yourself for protection, break down that wall and let others see the wonderful you that you really are.

Listen to your intuition. What I’m saying is to “be love.” Let others see the real you and who you really are. Let them see  you as approachable.

Gail Manishor, Author of From Here to Serenity,
A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life
