Sometimes bad things happen. There is bad in the world. Who can deny it? This life and all that happens in it is an illusion. We are spiritual beings walking a human existence. Evil is not a living entity. It has no power in itself. It is caused by the ignorance, superstition and wrongdoing of man.

In his inspiring book The Pathway of Roses, Christian Larson says “When you see evil, do not become indifferent; proceed at once to add to the good; when the good is on the increase evil is on the decrease.” This is such a beautiful thought I cannot help but dwell on it. The more loving kindness we give and receive, the more good there is in the world. It means we can do something to dispel evil, and that is by seeing good and by doing good. We do not fight against it because what we resist persists.

There is a feeling and a knowing deep within each one of us that good overcomes evil. When we shine the light of truth on evil and wrong thought, good will come forth out of the darkness and shine its light on us and our world. “I will fear no evil, for thou art with me.”
Affirmation: I know that God’s Love is all there is and I stand in the Light of God’s Love at all times.

To Buy the book click here: Trust the Process

Same Rainbow

Same Rainbow


Everyone goes through periods of loneliness. There is someone who loves you. Yes, you are loved more deeply than you know. You are God’s unique creation, God’s child. God is always expressing through you and God can express only good. You are never alone. Wherever you are, God is. Every step you take is on holy ground. God walks with you every step of the way. Look around you and see God expressing everywhere you look. You can’t be lonely when the Infinite One is with you. Your relationship with God is the most profoundly important one you will ever have.

Go to God in prayer and meditation, and then take the steps that you are guided to take. Become involved with the life around you. Serve those who are in need. Exercise will increase the endorphins that work to lift your spirits. Learn something new and interesting by taking classes and in the process making new friends. The right friend is already there for you.

I am a beloved Child of God. I am needed and important and I am never alone, for God is with me at all times.
Joy 1
A Spiritual Guide to Transform Your Life



Click Here: From Here to Serenity

Life is filled with times when we have to make decisions. We can choose a life that is meaningless and pointless or we can choose a life of greatness. Greatness doesn’t mean doing huge and sensational acts. It is not what we do, but how we do it. We can choose to do small things in great ways.

Before making even small decisions, always go to God for the answer. Don’t run around asking anyone and everyone what you should do. You already know the answer to your problem. The answer is always within. Ask God what your next move should be. Then listen. Listen for the “still small voice.” Listen and pay attention. Meditate and pray over it. Then release it and don’t worry about it.

Something within you will make the change from not being sure to knowing what move is right for you to make. You will feel the shift from doubt and indecision to knowing. You will know what to do, and there will be no doubt in your mind. In truth you already know. The God presence within you knows.
When you are in the midst of the situation and cannot come to peace with it, go to a counselor for help in coming to the right decision. If one counselor doesn’t help you, don’t give up, find the right counselor and he or she will help you come to your own right conclusion.
Affirmation: listen to my inner guidance and I know that God is guiding me to make the right decision.